Sunday, 16 June 2013

Perks of 'The Plank'


The Plank....
Must admit, I have a love/hate relationship with this exercise. I love the challenge of trying to hold it for as long as possible but hate the fact it still kills me after a hard workout.
First of all, a plank is an exercise that helps strengthen the back and shoulders as well as working the upper abs, lower abs and obliques. It also promotes good posture!
To safely and successfully hold the plank, get down on the floor on your forearms and knees. When ready, push up on to your toes so you are holding yourself up with your back straight... like a plank. Make sure your feet are hip width apart, arms are directly under your shoulders and you keep your abs engaged.
Beginngers are sometimes advised to start on their knees (below).
Wherever you choose to carry out your plank - at the gym, home or even the office (if you're really crazy) then try to hold each one for as long as you possibly can. Ideally, hold each plank for 30 seconds with a 20 second rest between each.
I include my planks into my 'tummy' routine at the end of my workout but you can add these into your routine wherever suits you best!
If you're feeling adventurous, then why not try an advance plank? An advance plank could be...
  • asking a trainer/friend to add a weight to your back just after getting into position (nothing too heavy) 
  • walking up on to your hands and then back down on to your forearms
  • start the plank on your hands instead of your forearms (similar to a push-up position with hands shoulder-width apart) and hold
  • move to a side plank by either staying on your forearm or hand and rotate your body round, laying your free arm either on your side or raise up in the air (below)
  • put your feet or hands on a swiss ball and continue your plank as usual.
If you're up for a challenge, why don't you try the Plank Challenge?

I had every intention of trying this but didn't really get started. I think i'm going to try and give this one another go.
How long can you hold your plank for?

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